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- "What did you said?"
"What did you said?"
A little late this week, thanks to a morning Costco run. I always hope to get there early enough to beat the crowds, but it seems that a few hundred other people always have the same idea. We did end up being there long enough to sample some chocolate biscotti and some chocolate coconut almonds, so that was nice. (10/10 on the almonds…biscotti have always confused and disappointed me, so I’m probably not a fair judge on those).
The kids were pretty good at the store. My tactic these days is to take some small but highly desirable snack/treat whenever we go somewhere and randomly mention that I am looking for “good listeners” to give treats to. I can usually get away with only giving out one or two per child for the whole trip, and since today I had Altoids the kids came out smelling like I just brushed their teeth, which I definitely didn’t, so that was a nice bonus. I do have goals of raising intrinsically motivated children… someday. When I can go to Costco by myself. 😂
This week I have been fascinated by the acquisition of language in small children. It just amazes me how they go from facial expressions and noises to understanding the meanings of certain nouns and then eventually trying to master conjugations, tenses, pronouns, etc. Loxley is pretty sure that she has unlocked the key to all verbs: just add ‘ing’ to a noun and it becomes its associated action! “Mom, look, I’m computering,” or “Are you piano-ing?” Meanwhile Bruce is still working on pronouns. Boyd’s gender, if deciphered only by Bruce’s commentary, would be extremely fluid, sometimes changing twice in one sentence. And Boyd himself - yes, he is most definitely a boy - is learning to mimic sounds as well as imitating pitch and volume, which makes for some chaotic moments at home.
And then the words or phrases that they alter because the real thing just won’t stick:
“Heavily Foam Eveling” (Family Home Evening)
”You’re a Kaylee” (ukulele)
”Duck Duck Bruce” (Duck Duck Goose)
”Hotamess” (Hippopotamus)
"rrrr Dalmatian” (rrrr matey… pirate speak… I have no idea.)
Excitements of the week, I have TWO watermelons to enjoy, I’m reading a new book (albeit at a rate of 5 minutes per day), and I did sprints for the first time in a very long time on Monday. Also, we had a full day with the temperature in the low 90s. Miracles!